Archived News

OpenTTD 1.1.0-RC2

In case your plan was to help testing RC1 over the weekend: We are sorry. However, you are welcome to help testing RC2 :)

The second release candidate contains a lot of bug fixes and is a big step forward to stabilising OpenTTD 1.1. Unlike previous betas and RC1 it does not offer any new features though. But more stability is also a gameplay-improvement! You can find the download in the usual spot together with the changelog. Please report any bugs to our bugtracker. Don't be afraid to register at the bugtracker, fixing bugs often requires bi-directional communication between reporters and developers.

Finally you should note that voting round 1 of the title game competition has been closed. The best three advanced to round 2 and you can now vote for one of them to become the title game of the 1.1.x series of OpenTTD! Go straight to the voting page; you do not even have to register for voting :p