Archived News

Title game for the 1.1 series

The first betas of the upcoming OpenTTD 1.1.0 have already been released and we're looking for a new title game.
As done successfully for the last major branch, the 1.0 series, we also hold a title game competition this year. The exact requirements on the map are laid out in the thread in our forum dedicated to the title game competition. In order to participate you simply add your title game suggestion to that thread. Possibly post for quick orientation a screenshot as the overall screenshot overview cannot be updated daily. Deadline for submissions is February 14th - so join the competition for the nicest and best show-off map for the OpenTTD title game of the OpenTTD 1.1 series :-).

After submissions are closed, the general public (so also you!) may vote on the entries in two rounds: first round of votes will be held in order to select a few for a short list. The subsequent final round will choose among these finalists.