Archived News

New WebTranslator

Today we released our newest tool to the public: WebTranslator 3.0.

WebTranslator 3.0 replaces WebTranslator 2.0, which was created by MiHaMiX. It was an amazing tool, but after 5 years it was becoming outdated. Therefore we created a completely new tool from scratch. The new tool is better, faster, and should allow translators to work even more efficiently. Everyone can visit the new tool (although in read-only mode) by going to and clicking Edit. After creating an account you can check out our newest tool.
If you want to become a translator, please send an email to the translator manager (the contact address can be found on the contact page).

On a related note, on the bottom right of this site you can see a few languages which need translators. If you speak that language natively, please consider becoming a translator.