Archived News

Fundraiser 2008/2009

For the last few months we have silently been searching for an alternative for the current server compiling our nightlies. Now there is nothing wrong with the current server, but the future of it is very unsure. We always had free access, and we are still very grateful for that. But .. that does mean that alternatives are most likely more expensive.

Today we got a beautiful offer from LeaseWeb. They offer us a full (sponsored) dedicated server. It means we can finally do what we always wanted: move all OpenTTD related services to a single place. Also, this enables the option for developers to build binaries on their demand; this way they can test patches for cross-platform compatibility before the nightlies are produced. This greatly benefits development. Sadly, as with every buy, there is a part we need to pay.

For this we ask your help! Our goal is to raise £486 (or €0620). If we managed to get this amount, we will be able to get the dedicated server, and we can keep on producing nightlies for as ever long as we wish. So every penny you can help us with, is very much welcome.

Current amount: £494.30 / £486.00

This fundraiser is about and all its subdomains. The forum is kindly provided by Owen Rudge, and donations for the forum should go here. This is unrelated to this fundraiser.

Any donation is welcome. We thank you very much for your support, and hope you will keep on enjoying OpenTTD!

How to donate? Please check the donate page.