Archived News

Fundraiser 2007/2008

In the last few months we have seen our bandwidth usage grow, and with that the webhosting bill. As the banners on the site no longer provide us with enough money to pay for it, and as the developers are all volunteers, we ask you for your help.

ISeeR kindly sponsors us by taking 50% of the bill for their account. A portion of the remaining money is paid by the banners. An other part is paid by part of the donations we received so far from all of you (thank you very much for that!). For the remaining part we truly need your support.

Our goal is to raise £250. This should be enough to get us through the next year. If we raise more than £250, we can buy more diskspace, so we can continue to have our big nightly archive. Currently it is hitting the limits of our allowed diskusage, and forces us to remove old binaries.

Current amount: £310.12 / £250

Any donation is welcome. We thank you very much for your support, and hope you will keep on enjoying OpenTTD!

Although the fundraiser is over, you can still donate. Your support is still much appreciated!

How to donate? Please check the donate page.