Archived News

Centralized User Account

As of today, OpenTTD uses a centralized account system, with LDAP as its backend. This means that you will have one account to use all our services. No longer you will have to remember different passwords and changing your password is instant over all our services. From a management point of few it is also much better: we have much better overview in who has access to what, and we can fine grain it much better.

If you already have an account, we made it possible for you to merge those accounts into a single new one. The page at helps you through it.

After creating a new account or merge existing ones, you can use the following services with that account:

  • Account
  • BaNaNaS
  • Bugs
  • Translator
  • Wiki
Other services will follow in the future.

NOTE: is not inside the OpenTTD domain, and therefore not shared with this account. Such link might be created in the future, but it is not planned.

As always, if there are any problems, please let us know.

OpenTTD 0.7.2

We have done it again. What? Well, we have released another bugfix release of the 0.7 series. This release changes how vehicle payments happen, so now you will get paid when the vehicle is unloaded instead of when it starts unloading. This fixes lots of 'exploits' that allowed people to get more payment than they should have gotten.

OpenTTD 0.7.2-RC2

Today we have released the second release candidate for 0.7.2. It contains only a small number of fixes and that usually is a good sign.

OpenTTD 0.7.2-RC1

Today we have released the first release candidate for 0.7.2. It contains, as usual, an assortment of fixes.
The most visible change is likely that vehicle payments now happen when unloading has completed. This fixes lots of 'exploits' that allowed people to get more payment than they should have gotten.

OpenTTD Useful 2.3

Today we updated as some vulnerabilities were fixed in libpng.
If you do not compile OpenTTD yourself or you are not using Microsoft's compiler you will not be affected.