Archived News

OpenTTD 1.0.4-RC1

Weekend is over, the next week has started already... do you need an excuse to have some fun? :) How about pl testing a software product? Here is a release candidate for a serious transport simulation - well, ok it's OpenTTD.

Please help testing OpenTTD 1.0.4-RC1, it contains a bunch of bug fixes, again including some desync issues. You can have fun playing, and if you find an issue, you can report it at, and offer us some fun fixing it in return :p You can reach the download and detailed changelog as usual by following the link in the topleft of this page.

OpenTTD 1.0.3

Testing has finished, here is OpenTTD 1.0.3!

It fixes various bugs, including desyncs and a security vulnerability (CVE-2010-2534). We encourage you to update your servers for unstoppable fun!

As usual you can find the download and the detailed changelog at the very topleft of this page.

OpenTTD 1.0.3-RC1

Welcome to the next round of test releases. The first release candidate for 1.0.3 is available. It contains a fine assortment of crash- and desync-fixes. Please help testing, so the next stable can deserve its status.

You can find the download and changelog as usual at the very top left of this page.

OpenTTD 1.0.2

Dear Diary,

People are so mean to me today. Here I am in this beautiful rainy day sitting outside a German's house, waiting for more food which seems absent at the moment.

While we were eating, we faked the community in believing nothing was done. Nothing is less true. Ha-ha. How did we fool them. Not only we made 6 commits, we also released 1.0.2. Not to forget we cut this lovely r20000 cake, which planetmaker made, and it was lovely.

His hospitality is generous and we all seem to like being here.

With this, my dear diary, I would like to close up. I hope you enjoy 1.0.2, a new step forward to an even more stable version of the 1.0 branch.


OpenTTD 1.0.2-RC1

This weekend we released the first release candidate for the upcoming OpenTTD 1.0.2. It is a maintenance release without big new features, but with a lot of bugfixes.

Please help testing the release candidate, whether it is as good as we intend it to be, or whether something unforeseen sneaked in. You can find the download as well as the detailed changelog at the very topleft of this page.